DNA contig assembly
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molecular biology software
scf trace assembly

Custom software development



DNA chromatogram assembly


Are you looking for a specific tool to automate your work but none of the existing programs meet your requirements? Heracle BioSoft SRL has a powerful background in developing biology-oriented software. We have the knowledge to support you!




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Better applications



We can build true monolithic applications: applications that do not require 3rd party technology and plugins (like Java) to run and that are very small as size. Monolithic (aka 'Click & Run') applications are easy to deploy and will instantly run in any computer without any prerequisites, without installation and without forcing the user to pre-configure.



Because our applications are monolithic they are also portable, meaning that you can simply copy the application on an USB stick and take it with you. It will run anywhere, anytime.



We don't use Java or DotNet technology which results in pseudo-compiled applications. We use low-level ultra fast compiled languages. Compiled technology is the only technology that can achieve maximum speed on modern processors.



We already have a mature bioinformatics framework


You want to build your own in-house software? Why spending 2-3 years, starting from scratch when you can use our existing framework?

For example with our Sanger framework offers:


Or let us do it for you


If you don't have an in-house software development team, we can design and develop the applications you need at a very affordable price.




contig assembly software
 Copyright Heracle BioSoft SRL, Romania 2020